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Susanna Altarriba | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Susanna Altarriba
Name Susanna Altarriba (joined 24-Feb-2009) (pbase supporter)
Username cal_centelles
Location Solsonès, Lleida, Catalunya, Spain, Europe.
Solsonès, Lleida, Catalunya, Spain, Europe.
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View Galleries : Susanna Altarriba has 71 galleries and 2214 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 309367 times.

View Guestbook : 2 messages. Most recent on 30-Dec-2009.

Message from Susanna Altarriba
Hello , I was born in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. When I was 5 my father , also my photography teacher, used to take me to the dark room to help him develop his photos. I spent many hours moving basins, checking for the exact point of developing, fixing, washing and drying photos. It was a good school.
He was who put in my hands a digital machine, the PowerShot of Canon. That revolution!!!
Since then I am the lucky heiress of his cameras : Canon 300D; 350D; 400d and the present one 40D.

Hola, vaig néixer a Barcelona, Catalunya, des dels 5 anys el meu pare, el meu mestre en fotografia, ja hem tancava al cuarto fosc per que l'ajudes a revelar, vaig passar moltes hores movent cubetes, buscant el punt exacte de revelat, fixant, rentant i assecant fotos. Va ser una bona escola.
Fa uns anys va ser ell qui va posar a les meves mans una càmera digital, la Power Shot de Canon. Quina revolució!!.
Des d 'aleshores m'he convertit amb l'afortunada hereva de les seves càmeres: Canon 300D, 350D, 400d i la actual la 40D.
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