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Fay 25-Mar-2010 04:27
Great body of work ........I'm it is very rewarding to have your memories in such beautiful photos and to know that you have such a gift....thanks for the beauty.
Julianne 11-Nov-2009 03:25
For a true artist, its "all about color!" What great composition and classic memories! I especially connected with the Western mountain scenes,"Enchanted Rock" bluebells and the fall foilage I missed so much when I lived in the high desert of Nevada for 6 years. WOW! great artwork my friend!
Sheryl 03-Jan-2009 23:09
I couldn't agree more with the ones who've already signed your guest book. You truly have an exceptional eye for "capturing a moment in time - one that can never be recaptured." That's a gift. I'm particularly fond of your sunrises. Thanks for sharing.
Guest 20-Oct-2008 04:12
How beautiful our earth is. You have captured the essence. Thank you for sharing them with me.
Peggy 14-Jan-2008 03:24
I love all the pictures. You are truly talented with a camera! Thanks for sending me the link and sharing all this beauty.
Sandra 11-Jan-2008 16:14
Totally blown away with every single one, you have the eye to become a pro.

You truly have the gift, thank you for the experience, if I can't go there you put me there
deree 27-Nov-2006 23:09
Celia 05-Nov-2006 02:36
These are exceptionally beautiful!! Thank you for the dramatic, yet simple beauty you have captured!
Karen Moen12-Dec-2005 13:44
Thank you for visiting my gallery and your nice comment.
Julia 29-Nov-2005 03:06
Great Pics, Charles...enjoyed looking at these very much.