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Din Prodrive | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Din Prodrive11-May-2013 10:01
Dear Beatrice,

Thank you, pls feel free to use any pictures for your own private screen save, totally no problem. Cheers, Din
Eric Marchand 19-Jan-2009 02:45
Hi! Thanks for the pictures you putted on the internet, I do have a question, if you can answer it would be appreciated, I was wondering about the color of the 5zigen GN+ pro racer wheel if it hyper black or the new color HMC ?

Thanks! 27-May-2006 22:20
Félicitations pour votre travail!
Terry 14-Apr-2006 15:46
Great work! | | | |
Din Prodrive22-Jan-2006 14:55
Hi Tim,

Thank you for your comments,
I just deleted the LOFT Gallery because actually there is nothing in there, were only some personal pictures

Kind Regards,
Bodin T.
Miro 30-Jan-2005 10:24
Hallo! I'm Miro and I find your photos really really good done!
My best compliments! I steal you only a minute to say if it is possible
satisfied this request. I'll pay you an honest price if you can realize this
one.It is not easy to do.
For my personal gallery I ask you for pics of girls whistling with their
fingers in mouth ( for supporting, cheering, ecc.).
a)Size risolution: 500 by 750 (usually enough for internet).
b)Girls whistling with fingers in an event ( sport event , concerts, party) or they can it be just girls on a plain back ground/street etc.
c)Number of pics. It depend by price and number of different girls you can photograph.
If it is possible realize this gallery of pics it will be great. Let me know
if you can and we'll find the right price for it. If you can't, please just
ignore this request and accept my excuses stealing you precious time.
Best regards,
( )
Kaj "Yesterday" Nielsen 28-Oct-2004 05:51

I saw you on TE, and want that way to take a visiti on your homepage. I do love all the photo, SPLENDID side and I enjoy always to se good work.

I do think I will se you around................Reagards Kaj Nielsen