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Yellow Pine Times 17-Jun-2022 00:35
Howdy - I'm working on our Yellow Pine History Project, which also includes Stibnite and Cinnabar. I found your page via searching the web. I would like to share a few of your photos, giving you credit of course and link back to the photo album page. - Thank you - The Yellow Pine Times
Pete Toyne 14-Nov-2010 04:31
Hi! My name is Pete Toyne. I live in Port Townsend, WA. I'm writing my autobiography for my kids and grandkids. I was surfing the web for info on Stibnite, ID for that part of my life, and lo,and behold! There were your wonderful pictures of Stibnite! I attended the 2nd and 3rd grade (1947-9)in the schoolhouse you show the remnant of next to what was still standing of the old rec hall. What would I have to do in order to obtain your Stibnite pictures? I'm nearly 71 now, and don't know if I'll be able to return to Stibnite and get my own photos! I could sure use them for my autobiography. (not for publication.) I would also be happy to share what very few pictures I have, plus my memories. Please will you contact me by email?
lola maury 25-Oct-2008 22:53
My name is Lola Maury. I am a recent graduated student in performing arts, more specificly contemporary dance. I am currently developing a cooperative of artists willing to collaborate through choreographic and educational projects in order to spread out a commun artistic vision. The aim of the organisation is to produce performances and workshops to open contemporary dance to a wider range of public. I called the organisation "HitchhikeDance Collective" because it brings together people from lots of different nationalities, so the idea of traveling, but also because the idea is to take on board collaborators just for the time of a project, the time of a journey together...
I am writting to you because I am currently creating a web-site for this association and I would be very interested in using one of your pictures as main access page. I found on internet your picture called: hitchhike01 and though it was a beautiful image, full of movement and emotions within stillness. Would you be happy for me to use it? And in that case which name and source should I put for quoting the picture? Would you like me to create a link to your gallery in my web-site?
Please do not hesitate in asking me any further details about the project I am running.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
Lola Maury
Donece 14-Aug-2008 21:05
Hi! I lived in Cinnebar when I went to the 8th grade and I am now 65. I have always wondered how things looked up there now. Thanks for the great pictures. I have left a couple of comments I hope that will tell you what the buildings are. A couple of them I would need to study but could probably figure them out. Most of the cabins are company housing.
Guest 06-Jun-2007 08:47
Great Gallery
myrna Smith 13-Nov-2006 00:10
I lived at Cinnabar, Idaho and don't remember any log cabins, can you tell me where they were located. The rest of the pictures are very good. My husband lived at Stibnite for 17 years so enjoyed the Stibnite ones. mls
bariq(+6598559264) 08-Mar-2006 06:29
excellent pics!
keep it up!!
bariq(+6598559264) 08-Mar-2006 06:28
excell pics!
keep it up!!
Eva Barnes 29-Jan-2006 16:11
All very nice pics. Seems we certainly live in different in the deep south and you in the high north!! I do need to put a visit on my things to do list. The area looks absolutely breathtaking.
Much love,
Guest 29-Jan-2006 07:28
Wow! I thoroughly enjoyed the old b&w ones of Nome and surroundings--the Iditarod, the outings, etc. Can't wait to show the folks at work who may not even imagine such a world. The ones of the Boise area made me very nostalgic, too.
yer sis, ld
Gary Samuelson 26-Jan-2006 17:45
Jim and Carol -
Wow, excellent historical and recent photos! I really like the format you have for presenting the photos but most of all, the photos are simply a hoot! The beards, the crowds at the Iditarod finish, Brogan, Jack, Oly, Connor, Rudder, Libby, Joe & others. I hope you post more in the future. Thanks for sharing!

Diane Wilmot 23-Jul-2005 14:41
These are just wonderful!! I can throw all mine away now! Just kidding. DW