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My World of Imagination and Possibility

"A life's journey begins and ends with a single breathe bound by the limitations of each man’s intellect,
while expanded by the scope of their imagination and compassion.
During this journey, accomplishments are judged as either fleeting moments or lasting imprints.
Nonetheless, no one escapes the angst of his or her future,
no one has been promised his or her tomorrow.
Fortunately, I learned early in life that happiness is found in the complexity of life's journey;
that champions conquer through perseverance and passion,
pose the unanswerable questions, and understand others through empathy.
With a little flexibility in our thought process,
we have the power to make the journey one of little regret and much reward.
Thus, there is no reason why one's life should not leave an imprint."

  hit counter script

Sélections de l'année...
:: Sélections de l'année... ::
Seasons of my life...
:: Seasons of my life... ::
Bon voyage, bon appetit...
:: Bon voyage, bon appetit... ::
Timeless moments...
:: Timeless moments... ::
Captures are in...
:: Captures are in... ::
It was a very...
:: It was a very... ::
Recapturing my life...
:: Recapturing my life... ::
Familiar faces...
:: Familiar faces... ::
Creative muses...
:: Creative muses... ::
Here comes the sun...
:: Here comes the sun... ::
Favourites of mine...
:: Favourites of mine... ::
I love flowers...
:: I love flowers... ::