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Jerry Curtis's Recent Galleries

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28-Feb-2025 00:56
Newfoundland Seascapes and Landscapes
[ Newfoundland Seascapes and Landscapes ]
28-Feb-2025 00:53
Fishing Stages, Wharves and Boats
[ Fishing Stages, Wharves and Boats ]
17-Dec-2024 03:14
Sun, Moon, Night Shots, Fireworks
[ Sun, Moon, Night Shots, Fireworks ]
23-Oct-2024 01:39
Autumn Colors
[ Autumn Colors ]
22-Oct-2024 18:48
My Own Favourites and Winners
[ My Own Favourites and Winners ]
20-Sep-2024 18:07
[ People ]
12-Sep-2024 19:22
Macros and Close-ups
[ Macros and Close-ups ]
20-Aug-2024 16:01
[ Critters ]
03-Apr-2024 14:56
[ Icebergs ]