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LaRene Gaunt | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Patti 23-Nov-2010 05:58
LaRene, you are ridiculously gifted! May I have your autograph??? Holy Schmoley, I'm so impressed. Do you give classes?
dond10-Nov-2010 12:27
You have an amazing body of excellent work. I have added you to my favorite artists list. thanks for your comment on my work.
Guest 29-Oct-2010 14:58
LaRene, you are a very talented photographer and artist. I can't wait to come back and study more of your work! Very impressive. -r
Catherine Heiby 28-Jan-2010 23:41
i guess i got the name of your children wrong but none the less i have enjoyed the blogs, yours and david's. take care.
Diane Showalter 14-Feb-2009 19:59
Dear LaRene---I thought your 'break' from art would show---but you haven't skipped a beat and live's lessons make your work much more engaging than in our old college days. Loved all your pieces and haven't figured out yet if I am inspired to do more art or just pack up my brushes and go home 'cause everything I've done looks pretty insipid next to you. Keep it up--you've a gift. Love, Diane
Joan Ford 10-Mar-2008 03:27
Hi Favorite Cousin, I love your work. The lines, the colors, the rythmns, the textures are all beautiful music to me. You are my inspiration.
John Gaunt29-Nov-2007 03:56
Good to meet another Gaunt.....I enjoyed your work a lot
Silvia Roitman01-Aug-2007 21:22
Hi LaRene!
Thank you for your visit and your comments!!!
mcbit16-Mar-2007 20:58
Very nice artistic & ethereal galleries. I really enjoyed them!
Gary Stanley15-Mar-2007 05:34
I really enjoyed your photos. Good eye!
Ken Smith21-Feb-2007 02:43
Hi LaRene,
What a great collection of galleries you have. I feel like I’ve stumbled upon a significant rising talent here.
Gar Cropser04-Feb-2007 19:42
Hi, LaRene
I love the representative image you selected for your gallery 2. It's a very powerful image. Thanks for the enlaragement that follows the thumbnail. Now, I can really enjoy the intricate details. Keep them coming!
Your most loyal admirer.
Gar Cropser04-Feb-2007 04:23
Hi, LaRene
Great initial gallery. Very creative work and unique. Shows your individual style. Stands out on its own. Shows an expertise in creating complex collages. I look forward to your upcoming images. Keep them com'n! You are an inspiration and the best!
Your most loyal admirer,