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Mikael Larsen | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Mikael Larsen
Name Mikael Larsen (joined 28-May-2008) (pbase supporter)
Username mikaellarsen
Location Denmark
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View Galleries : Mikael Larsen has 19 galleries and 1626 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 362273 times.

View Guestbook : 13 messages. Most recent on 20-Nov-2009.

Message from Mikael Larsen
The first camera I got was a used Pentax Spotmatic and the second a Mamiya C33 (medium format). I spend at lot of time in the darkroom making black and white photographs. In 2006 I bought my first digital camera - a Canon 350D. One year later I bought a Canon 5D, which I am very satisfied with as I mainly do landscape photographs.
Hopefully you will enjoy my photographs - more will come!

You can contact me by email:

Mikael Larsen

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