A few days ago I had to find a technician to install a new audio system. I contacted Steve, he answered immediately. He came very positive, radiant, smiling. A great professional, in seconds he understood where the problem was. He did the job in a negative time and the price he asked was good. From now on, whenever I need a technician in his field, I will always turn to him.🤗
Преди дни ми се наложи да намеря техник за инсталиранр на нова аудио система.Свързах се със Стив ,той веднага отвърна. Дойде много позитивен, лъчезарен,усмихнат .Голям професионалист,за секунди разбра от къде е проблема. Свърши работата за отрицателно време и цената която поиска е добра. От тук нататък винаги когато ми потрябва техник в неговата област винаги ще се обръщам към него.
Andy cartwright
29-Jul-2021 17:02
Recently bought a Mercedes clk, the stereo didn’t work, I purchased an after market stereo, on removal of radio the wiring was a mess, need help to fit the radio please.
28-Nov-2007 08:10
I have had alot of work done by MOBILE RADIO FITTER and am always highly pleased with the end result. I highly recommend them for any in car stuff.