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Guest 27-Apr-2014 00:11
Adorei a tua paixao! Estas de parabens!
Um abraco,
Filomena Yamashita :)
Gina 09-Mar-2014 09:27
Great photos. I came here from the DP Canon EOS M forum, and found your review of the M2-most interesting.
rsbfotos07-Jun-2013 16:09
Like the use of text in the start of the slide show on your Main Gallery Page. Very clever. (I might steal it sometime in the future, if you don't object.)
serge 25-Aug-2012 18:00
Good day. My name is Serge, and it looks like you were at World stage fencing championship.
I am one of the participants (actually, the guy you catched on BF2G8657.jpg photo), and i represent "Espada stage fensing studio" (Russian national team). Your photos frow WSFC are not just perfect, they are the only i found :)
And now we are looking for option to get some photograpfs with our performances- as many as it's possible. I hope, this opportunity exists?
Waiting for reply,
with respect,
Serge, Moskow, Russia.
C Peres Feio 13-Jul-2012 01:41
...não esperava outra coisa - great! abç carlos -
rbfresno01-Mar-2012 00:24
Inspiring Photography!
I've added you to my "favorites"!
Zoltán Balogh08-May-2011 05:42
Hi PK,

Thanks for dropping by and leaving your kind comment in my guestbook!
Congratulations on your great galleries, keep it up!

Esko Syvänen14-Dec-2010 19:11
Thanks for dropping by my gallery.
Great photos. You have creative composition often.
We did not visit just the galleries - You visited in Finland and I just visited in Lisboa a moth ago:)

Keep on photographing!

Webman0609-Dec-2010 21:35
Great photography that i come to visit on a regular basis now. Many images stand out.
Thanks for sharing.
Guest 09-Nov-2010 20:55
Olá Humbertinho! foi com muito prazer que pude apreciar o teu talento. Um abraço amigo Zé Cavaco
Isa 01-Sep-2010 13:09
¡Hola, Humberto! Disculpa que no pueda escribir en portugués.
Eres un maestro de la fotografía con una sensibilidad y una inteligencia fuera de lo cmún.
Gracias por dejarme disfrutar otra vez y de otra manera de las Azores.
Guest 19-Dec-2009 23:07
Com tripé ou sem tripé, com (muiiiitoooo)jeito vai(s)! Não tenho espaço suficiente para escrever tudo o que me apetece, ainda se fosse no voicemail...Já sabes o que acho do teu talento e qualidades afins...tenho imenso orgulho em ser tua amiga! Já sabes quem sou??
Danny Tuason05-Dec-2009 17:07
Hi PK...

Obrigado meu amigo for dropping by my galleries.
You have an excellent eye for photography. That's why I put you in my favorite artists list.

Keep up the great work amigo!


Danny :)
Guest 08-Sep-2009 21:41
Eu estava decidido a comentar algumas fotos, mas depois o problema foi escolher quais. Sao quase como as castanhas tantas & boas.

Um abraco,
Daniel Pacheco
Guest 28-Jul-2009 08:40
Thank for the feedback & comments, keep up the great work as it is!
Jan Bakker17-May-2009 18:43
Hello Humberto,

Thanks for your kind comments on my photographs of Zuid-Limburg! But you have some impressive work of yourself here. I already knew your 'Amsterdam'-gallery. Really enjoyed it. Your pictures show the pleasure you must have while making them. Keep up the good work!

Kind regards, Jan
Guest 19-Apr-2009 19:49
Hi Humberto, Really loved your beautifully presented galleries. As a newcomer to photograpy, you have inspired me to emulate your prowess you have behind the lense. Cheers Doug
Hélder Costa 14-Jan-2009 01:21
excelentes enquadramentos, excelentes temas, excelentes momentos fazem excelentes fotos.tantas são as minhas favoritas mas apenas destaco uma, a da nossa LINDA Helena Gonçalves, pela doçura, tranquilidade e beleza.. tão bem captadas. Parabéns.Votos de imensos sucessos. Abraço
Bruno Pais 01-Jan-2009 22:13
Muitos parabens pelas fotos e site! Autentico profissional! Abraço e BOM ANO!!!
Guest 13-Jun-2007 17:31
Very impressive.
Guest 31-Jan-2007 13:12
Humberto - I found your photos via a recent post you made on DPReview. You are an artist. Excellent work, and work I shall learn from to make myself a better photographer.

Canon DSLR Challenge12-Jan-2007 21:53
I love your galleries. The layout is innovative too. Thanks for sharing. Sam Attal.
Fred Relaix23-Dec-2006 17:25
Excellent galleries with a very personal style. I will be back for more! Best regards, Fred
Yves Rubin07-Nov-2006 15:52
Beautiful work you have on your site! Is there a reason I cannot leave comments? That would be nice...
Guest 28-Oct-2006 08:42
I just want to say that I love all your photos specially "The Atlantic talks to me"
Awesome pictures you have here my friend, keep up the great work.
Thanks ;)
Caro 09-Aug-2006 09:52
Your photos of Ireland are exceptional. You really have a wonderful eye - and sense of colour. Thanks for being generous with them so that other people can enjoy them too.
William 07-Jul-2006 20:37
Best regards from NY!
alprazolam 06-Jul-2006 05:47
Good site! Thanks
Jarek M27-Mar-2006 13:14
Thanks for visiting and your comments.

Evandro Amaro 15-Mar-2006 19:20
Mestre Humberto, prosto-me perante a sua galeria, sendo a minha preferida aquele céu azulinho em São Miguel.

Um abraço deste passageiro, eternamente agradecido pelo jumpseat
Ricardo L.07-Mar-2006 20:41
Hola (voy a asumir que lees castellano, sino, disculpa). Me han encantado tus fotos. Te mando las que tomé de La Habana , aunque no tienen la calidad de las que tu tomaste. ¿Conoces Valparaíso? Dicen que a veces recuerda a Lisboa Saludos
Guest 04-Mar-2006 03:04
Wow! What a galleries! Very impressived.

Thanks for your nice comment in my galleries.
Arno Meintjes Wildlife09-Feb-2006 04:37
Thank you for your visit to and comment on my image. I value your support.
Regards. Arno
Jola Dziubinska06-Feb-2006 23:25
Thank you for kind comments in my gallery. I found your site very interesting and so well done. You've got a great talent and I will be back again for more.
sandrine boebaert 10-Oct-2005 22:02
Queria saber se esta interessado em vender a foto do castelo dos mouros e o luar para entrar numa revista semestral, esta edição sobre sintra? Agradeço o seu contacto. Obrigada e continuação de um excelente trabalho.
Richard Haas 04-Oct-2005 13:04
could you please contact me. Thanks in advance
Martin Lochran 22-Sep-2005 13:46
I am just at the verge of buying a 350XT in Canada. Our fall season with the changing of the leaves is about to start and I don't want to miss it. I have been a picture taker for many years but now want to really get involved with photography. I love the camera and want to get the right lenses. What are you using for these great galleries of yours?

Thanks and keep up the great work.
Guest 21-Sep-2005 00:21
Olá, PK!

Queria agradecer as palavras que me deixou num topico do DPreview, relativamente às minhas imagens de Timor e Java. Ser comparado com os grandes nomes da fotografia que mencionou é uma honra e serve de estímulo para tentar ir ainda mais longe. Quem sabe se um dia destes não consigo mesmo um lugarzito num National Geographic. Tentarei em Janeiro de 2006, quando regressar do meu trabalho lá fora (que nada tem a ver com fotografia...).

A sua galeria é igualmente de grande nível, revelando um olhar atento aos pormenores que nos rodeiam, algo que me agrada muito num fotógrafo. Alías, eu já conhecia várias fotos deste portfolio, pois, se não me engano, também já andaram nalgumas revistas nacionais. Os meus parabéns!

Forte abraço,

Joel Santos
Anna 12-Sep-2005 06:53
Love your pictures,welldone!Anna
Guest 29-Jun-2005 12:19

nice homepage you've got!
keep up the good work

Guest 25-May-2005 21:22
Olá Humberto:

Muito boa a tua galeria Peak & Woo. É bem fixe! Tem humor, cor, muito boa composição e um gosto do melhor. Abraço, Zé M.
Guest 02-Apr-2005 05:36
Really liked your galleries. Liked how you named your airline gallery "the high and the mighty". I read every Ernest Gann book when I was a kid. Your aviation photos are great!! I learned a thing or two while looking through them. Maybe I'll get some better shots now.
Nuno 31-Mar-2005 10:59
Olá novamente, achei que lhe poderia interessar um novo site que pretende criar um directório de photoblogs portugueses P.S. as fotos nocturnas estão estupendas.
Guest 25-Feb-2005 21:58
Olá Humberto:
Muito obrigado pelo comentario da minha galeria. Jé vi as tuas e acho que es um mestre da teleobjectiva. Gostaria imenso poder ter o olho tão minucioso para cortar os planos com a geometria certa e o cor adequado. Gostei muito também do trabalho em preto e branco e dos avioes (eu muitas vezes não tenho o valor para pegar a camara nos aeroportos). Parabens. Um forte abraço,
Zé M. Gimferrer
Nuno D. 12-Jan-2005 11:08
Grandes fotos, muito bom olho. Comecei a ver uma galeria e tive de espreitar todas. Keep them coming!
Guest 14-Nov-2004 12:20
I really like your style. nice variety of images.
great work!
Très belle gallerie avec beaucoup de variété
En fantastisk samling, mycket vackert.
Wundervolle Bilder.

Guest 19-Oct-2004 16:46
Here with my comment so as you mail to me and see my gallery,
Is that what you want?
Anyway you have a nice gallery.
Guest 11-Oct-2004 18:43
Caro Humberto, the tugboots you like so much,some of them are over 100 yaers old and have a states of sailing monuments If you visit Amsterdam again, look at the harbor, and you find some, or keep in contact. Greetings Ellen.
Guest 09-Oct-2004 01:22
Caro Humberto, your photogallery? Amazing and beautiful,good eye for colour and sphere, blue is my favourit colour!! Follow you with my eyes! Greetings Ellen Schakenbos
Guest 22-May-2004 21:23
Caro Humberto!
É com grande orgulho que posso dizer que és uma grande fonte de inspiração nestes meus primeiros passos na fotografia.
Tenho visitado com regularidade as tuas galerias e na minha modesta opinião estás entre os melhores fotógrafos presentes neste site.
Obrigado por todos os teus ensinamentos e continua com o teu excelente trabalho!!
Zé Nuno
Pedro Libório11-May-2004 21:03
Olá !!!
antes demais parabéns por esse olhar fantástico!
as suas galerias são um encenato!!!
Um abraço e obrigado pela vista e pelas palavras.
Guest 04-May-2004 18:56
You have a wonderful gallery. I will enjoy looking through all these images and getting inspriation from them myself. Thanks.
Guest 21-Apr-2004 22:07
Fabulous, Photokhan!! Have I not seen you around the NTF lately? You have many gorgeous images in your gallery. Keep up the great work. Also, some of the cleverest captions I've seen in a while, such as, "Status Can Lead to Loss of Perspective," or something like that. Brilliant! If English isn't your native language (or if it is), you're better with it than most Americans I know.
Steve 20-Apr-2004 22:50
Your stuff/style is not only Fresh but subtley transends through ALL of your subjects by color and composition, and is some how magnified by the contrasting adjacent images. They're all really, really good on there own, but better together. Nice. . .
Guest 19-Mar-2004 07:21
A pleasure to browse your galleries!
Guest 14-Mar-2004 10:50
I realy like your photos.
Jeff Cochran11-Mar-2004 11:26
Hello, I enjoyed your photos.Thx for sharing. :)
Arnaud 02-Mar-2004 12:33
Hy 'photokhan'

Congratulation !

I enjoyed a lot my visit of your galleries. I especially found very nice your play with the colors.

I'm a beginner in the photo world and your work is a good inspiration source !

Thanks !

Arnaud (France and Germany)
Guest 19-Feb-2004 22:28
First of all many thanks for visiting my galleries and encouraging words. When I've visited your gallery, I could see immediately your good eye to find out details generally
passed unnoticed, even by expert eyes. All of your galleries are a good crop of images taken at right time and with lighting well controlled. Keep up the good work. Cheers, Avito.
Não vivo en Portugal, mas a minha familia vivem perto do aeroporto de Faro,(lugar onde nasci) et também en S.Braz, a +- 17 Km de Faro. Todos os anos passo as minhas férias por ai, e apesar de ter viajado por muitos paises, o lugar que prefiro é Portugal e mais precisamente Faro.
Chris Spracklen06-Feb-2004 15:48
Some superb work, PK ~ I'll be back!
I especially enjoyed the aerial photography ~ first class!
Kind regards,
Guest 24-Jan-2004 22:28
Depois de eu ter deixado uma mensagem num Forum do site dpreview, um fotógrafo americano constatando que eu era português indicou-me o seu site como sendo um excelente exemplo da fotografia que se faz em Portugal e ele tinha razão porque o senhor tem excelentes trabalhos. Parabéns.

Joaquim Hierro
Paulo Prata 21-Jan-2004 10:51
Humberto, grandes fotos, grande qualidade técnica e artística. Muitos parabéns. Não sabia que tinhas um interesse tão grande pela fotografia. Fazes mais por Cascais que muitas campanhas de publicidade.A série sobre o oceano está incrível. Depois vou aproveitar a tua arte para um projecto que eu estou metido aqui na escola, se estiveres de acordo. Depois contacto.

um abraço

Paulo Prata
Guest 30-Dec-2003 19:39
Thank you for beautiful pictures, as I know you wrote that you like Prague. If so, welcome to my small page And if you will decide to go to Prague, do not hesitate to contact me, because I live there and can give you all important information. Cheers, Igor
Colin 09-Dec-2003 15:08
Great images of Ireland. I do have a question, though. How do you store your images while on holiday? Do you take a laptop computer with you or some other method of storage? 900 images couldn't fit on less than 120 flash cards, correct?
Guest 02-Dec-2003 03:43
Hi from an admiring Irishman. I dont know how you did what you did in two weeks. And I dont know how you got the information so right on your individual pictures. Wonderful pictures. I am so envious of your talent. John McKaigney
Guest 21-Nov-2003 16:49
Green is my favorite colour and I think that is why I like your fotos so much. In almost every picture you capture at least one shade of green. You also combine the colours that you see in a very inspiring and arousing way. You have a good eye for that. muto bom!(like you guys say)
ELENA17-Nov-2003 07:47
PK, have I told you before how much I love your pictures? Well, if I haven't (or even if I have, I don't mind repeating): I LOVE YOUR PHOTOS! What an eye you have :-).
Chuck Rogers 06-Nov-2003 10:54
Your photographs are beautiful! I wish to visit Lisbon and would like to know when the best weather for photography is. Thanks, Chuck Rogers
rebecca 14-Oct-2003 00:32
i randomly came accross your site. are you a photographer? your pictures are amazing.
Martin Kearns 27-Sep-2003 09:45
Just stumbled upon this site and was hugely impressed by your Ireland gallery. I am Irish and am astonished by the way you captured the spirit of the place. You are a marvellous photographer and I hope you keep up your good work and continue to share it with others. Thank you.
Guest 12-Sep-2003 19:39
very good pictures...

jessica 12-Sep-2003 18:38
Passing by and found your pictures they are beautiful.
Jeff 23-May-2003 23:14
You have some very nice oictures here.I linked in from the 5050z site.I agree that the f1.8 would have done a very good job in the aquarium.As I recall you went to the 5700 because of the zoom,butI could be wrong.How is that working for you? Congratulations on getting your pics published,this is not a goal of mine but it is still an excellent accomplishment.Good luck in all things&keep on clicking