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Guest 27-Aug-2014 17:24
I'd like to use one of your images (Strangers Passing in the Street) in a blog post I am creating. Let me know if this is ok. I can be reached at
Guest 15-Apr-2008 16:57
a very lovely gallery - i enjoyed browsing thru each one. thanks for sharing a piece of your life to us. i'll be visitng this more often!
Living Spirits05-Apr-2008 19:38
Mr. Singh...Thank you for your comment...a short reply...the poor and helpless people you mention are in the conscience of every one of us ... without good photographers to portray them on one hand, we would not know our weaknesses and would not have enough information about them to help them, on the other hand. photos of poor and helpless people generate sympathy in the rich and strong people, and therefore help to make a balance in society.

What I personally saw in Mr. Moftahs pictures was that he properly and respectfully pictured a part of the beautiful Indian people, that even if they are poor, they show that they are still great and cultured and also very creative people.

The modern India you speak about is also worth noticing but does not differ from the rest of the industrialized world and thus does not matter to a photographer who wants to show viewers artful pictures of the different trends of people who -through their magnificent culture- were able to industrialize and still keep their originality through all the ages like no other nation.

Therefore you should understand that there is no need to be ashamed of these people and no need to call them 'scum' as you did. they deserve more respect than that.

My deep respects to you and to beautiful India!
sarabpal singh 02-Apr-2008 17:05
hello Mr.Spirit i not against any pics but why every time poor and help less people.there is always a other side of coin without knowing that you would always loose the tose..!.
Guest 27-Jun-2007 12:59
I'm jealous of how good you are.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 14:38
Your photos have opened a new way for me to seeing the world.
Guest 06-Mar-2007 14:07
I'm the man, but you're the master. Master of beautiful pictures...
Victoria01-Nov-2006 21:37
Thanks your comments too, you do amazing work..Cheers
Rosemarie Kusserow08-Aug-2006 08:06
Thanks for your kind comment and vote on my abstract gallery, I´m glad you like it, best wishes, Rosemarie :o)
Martha Albuquerque29-Jun-2006 11:10
Welcome to pbase! Thanks for your comments and visits.. I am also looking forward to seeing a great gallery!
Martha :)*
Mostafa Moftah11-May-2006 23:13
Welcome aboard.. looking forward to seeing a great gallery :)