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Vikki Hansen | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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silverghost195120-Nov-2009 05:41
Vikki, we should talk.
enterpriser170123-Jul-2009 12:42
Vikki, I saw an old post from 2004 you put up,for a Norman Rockwell effect,
I had a few questions if you don't mind. Under the instructions, you start with a black and white photo, yet the instructions don't mention what to start with. Could you please clarify, do you color the photo yourself and then follow the instructions? Second, I cannot get the DC Edger to load in Photoshop CS, do you happen to know if there is another way to achieve the effects of this filter or if there is another on that does the same thing? Thanks so much for your time.
Guest 20-Jun-2007 05:08
Very impressive.
Guest 14-May-2007 08:10
I certainly gained some great insights by visiting your galleries. Thank you.
Guest 29-Mar-2007 20:46
Very impressive work. Out of curiosity... On average, how long does it take you to restore a photo?
Guest 08-Mar-2007 09:23
Tears to my eyes...almost.
Guest 07-Mar-2007 14:37
I'm the man, but you're the master. Master of beautiful pictures...
Jim Hakvoort25-Dec-2006 00:10

As a member of my 'favorit artists' list I want to wish you a merry christmas and a happy 2007. In the new year I hope to enjoy your work as much as I did last year and to learn a lot from it.

Bernie Poltis 19-Nov-2006 04:34
Fantastic work! Really awesome!
Interracial pewdm 04-Sep-2006 20:33
Hello! Nice site!
Guest 03-Jun-2006 04:55
Totally awesome work you do, hats off to some of the best work I've seen on the internet. I'd like to know if you use photoshop or what program you prefer? Myself I've gotten to know Photoshop pretty well and just hate the thoughts of having to learn anything else. lol but I'd really be interesting in your coloring techniques. Extremely well done on all of your gallerys! If you like "weird edits" please check out mine, a little different techniques applied.
Samh 06-Apr-2006 13:50
Your work is just wonderful!
Guest 31-Mar-2006 18:31
Vikki you do really amazing work.If you get a chance check out some of my stuff.
David Kelly
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis 01-Dec-2005 12:14
Amazing and wonderful work you have there. I'm passioned about colouring the old B&W photos too and I've payed a lot of attention of your detailed work through all those images and all I can say is that you are, simply, gifted with a huge ammount of doing that. Looking through your galleries here is for me like a child in a room full of toys, I'm feeling like dreaming. Such sweet and realistic colours, such delicate touch. Indeed, they are like coming to life, they are speaking to us. Congratulations and keep it up! :)
Julie Ann Shoeman12-Oct-2005 04:42
I found you from the pbase magazine and I am in AWE of your work! I grew up with a family full of skilled and talented artists but I was sadly lacking in that area. Just now you give me some hope that maybe... one day I can paint my images. I have no idea how you do your work. Do you use only photoshop or do you use corell painter?

Anyway, feel welcome to drop by my deaf pad (on pbase) and take a look around. But humbly....doesn't even compare to your great artistic skills.

God Bless
Robert Soen20-Sep-2005 18:48
Vikki, your are a real artist.
The best.

Doug Folkerts13-Jul-2005 15:39
Hello Vikki,

My but you certainly have coloring and retouching down. Very impressive. I do coloring for television, you could do well for yourself here. Excellent retouching, pictures that I would have thought lacked enough information you've made better than new. If this isn't your day job, it should be.
Guest 12-Jul-2005 05:28
err, I didn't know it would include the images in the guestbook entry, very sorry! ... please delete that entry as I'm sure you don't want the giant pictures there! sorry! i included a link to the main album.

(from kris, i left the comment earlier)

here are my results:

critique if you feel like it! but i thought i'd share. thanks for the very informative article... do you have any more techniques to share with the world? :)

Guest 12-Jul-2005 05:12
absolutely phenomenal! I read your article in pbase magazine, and used your technique on two photos... and I'm addicted! I got "magazine quality" comments... for just a few minutes' work!
Guest 30-Jun-2005 10:52
Wow, you've got some great photo galleries
keep up the good work
Newbie 22-Jun-2005 14:51
An impressive portfolio, beautiful photographs
Sharon 14-Jun-2005 18:25
whow Vikki, that is some eye you have, excellent and very beautiful work.
Matt 10-Jun-2005 02:42
Simply inspirational! I'm a graphic designer and as part of my work retouch photos. I love what you have done and my collegues all agree that this is some of the finest work we've seen.
Guest 05-Jun-2005 09:02
That is AMAZING work!!!!!

keep up!
Iris 02-Jun-2005 19:17
Wow! Great work, Vikki:-)
Guest 24-Apr-2005 08:01
This is some of the most impressive retouching work I've seen. I'll be looking for your book soon. Very inspirational artwork.
rbfresno16-Apr-2005 06:09
Dear Vikki,

First, thank you for your comments and work on my first portrait touch-up on dpreview (4/15/05)!! My wife and I just looked through your gallery and are so impressed with your technical mastery applied with an artist's eye. You are now one of my role models!!!

Guest 07-Apr-2005 03:26
Remarkable! This is meant in the most postive light: I love b&w, and some images, for me, are just simply best in b/w. Having said that, your work in hand colorization is simply superb. Your techinque is flawless and I'd love to learn how you do what you do. With your talent, I'd also love to see what restorative/enhancement work you can do to b/w photos in b/w as well. Great, great job!!!
Kathy Sargenti 03-Apr-2005 21:22
I agree with all the folks above... you are an amazing artists. I too would buy a book from you on how you accomplish your art... at any price!

Aloha, Kathy
Yoni 26-Mar-2005 23:02
Vikki, you are truly an outstanding artist!
Dave Ogdie 20-Jan-2005 20:21
I am a retouching/color correction 'professional' at a pre-press shop. Your work is amazing and shows just how much I need to learn. You should write a book on the magic you perform on these images. (I'd buy it at any price.) Your skin tones are awe-inspiring, especially in the colorized images. Thanks for raising the bar for all of us.
Kenny D19-Nov-2004 18:44
Vikki I just discovered your amazing albums and am delighting in exploring your creative and varied artful images.. This is what I would hope to be able to create myself someday. I would feel I had become a photographer if I could even come close. thanks Kenny
Guest 24-May-2004 02:02
gosh you,re good looking I,m in love/ harold
Guest 13-May-2004 14:11
Great work Vikki! Nearly as good as mine. ;) But seriously, it's very inspiring stuff. I look forward to the day when I can do all these things as well as you do.
Lisa03-Apr-2004 20:18
This is the best retouching/restoration work I've ever seen. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of time and patience that goes into this. You are exceptionally talented and I am looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Henk Binnendijk24-Mar-2004 20:34
Thank you for visiting our Dog Log and leaving your kind comment!
Paw from Joop, greetings from Henk
Jeanette Butler08-Mar-2004 22:11
Vikki, I'm happy to see you have put together a gallery of your incredible work. I love looking at it. You are the best.

Chuck Kuhn22-Feb-2004 04:40
Vikki. just a brief note on your photo's. You have a talent for restoring the past...Great work