清涼寺眾狗:[結紮-放養]與急難傷殘救助 / TNR(Trap-Neute-Release) handling and emergency case by Boogier Chen/豬生狗養貓帶大
*天使波堤*2009.7.3 by Albert Chou
My PDA's last portrait by 簡嘉宏 | Chien Chia-Hung
Mostly Heasmans by Andrew Mitchell
佳美之地的婚宴 by Kevin Y.L. Huang
Run 'n Jump by Andrew Mitchell
Tong Flowers by Colin_Chen
2006-10-18 F-104G 4420 by Steven Weng
花東縱谷油菜花田【黃色沉溺 】Rape flower field : yellows addiction by James Chiu
我的布拉格*BLOG* by Albert Chou
台中可愛動物園~幼犬區 by Boogier Chen/豬生狗養貓帶大
街頭公開吃貓肉(中國) / It takes some cruel processes to turn innocent cats into dishes in China! by Boogier Chen/豬生狗養貓帶大