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Michael Clay Smith's Recent Galleries

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03-Sep-2024 19:10
Other Fauna (non-zoological park locations)
:: Other Fauna (non-zoological park locations) ::
03-Sep-2024 19:01
:: Hummingbirds ::
22-Aug-2024 15:00
Butterflies of Texas
:: Butterflies of Texas ::
17-Aug-2024 16:54
Macro - It's a Small World
:: Macro - It's a Small World ::
29-May-2024 18:18
Texas Wildflowers 2024
:: Texas Wildflowers 2024 ::
02-Apr-2024 09:58
 Texas is a State of Mind
::  Texas is a State of Mind ::
18-Dec-2023 18:47
Old Family Photographs
:: Old Family Photographs ::
12-Nov-2023 03:22
Texas Wildflowers 2023
:: Texas Wildflowers 2023 ::
28-Oct-2023 21:31
:: Restorations ::
14-Mar-2023 15:27
Texas County Courthouses
:: Texas County Courthouses ::
16-Dec-2022 19:47
The Toman Brothers Band - 40 Years of Rockin' South Texas
:: The Toman Brothers Band - 40 Years of Rockin' South Texas ::
14-Oct-2022 18:42
Travels 2022
:: Travels 2022 ::