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Justin Miller | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Susan Christiansen 04-Feb-2020 16:03
Very impressive collection and excellent photos! I am searching your duck photos to try and identify a small grey duck with headdress feathers! Such adorable ducks that I photographed on a retaining pond in The Villages! The variety of waterfowl you have photographed and identified is astounding!! So many people never even notice them when walking along water, but until you see them closer through the camera's lens, you don't realize their beauty! Thank you for capturing so many species that I fear may not always be here for us to enjoy!
Ian Dalgliesh17-Oct-2019 13:17
Hi Justin , I've just stumbled upon your site, and marvelled at it's name.I have a new puppy,acquired about 6-8 weeks ago.His name is Zac.He'a a Scottish Border Collie , pedigree,if such can be.Primarily he's to remind me of my heritage, as I'm of Scottish descent, now living on the outskirts of London,in the county of Essex.Our brood is just the four dogs , now.Max,the eldest, is a rescvued dog,a mongrel; 3/8ths Black Labrador and 1/8 border collie, the rest is unknown.We got him on a rescue.We have a Jack Russell x a Yorkie,named Eddie.He's my wife's dog but she NEVER walks him, so he tags along on my excursions.Last of all is Beth , another rescued dog.She's a Welsh Border Collie, now 4 years old .
Guest 01-Sep-2018 08:50
Hi, You have some excellent photo's in your gallery, many thanks for sharing them. My main interest is Video, but as I ended up buying the A6300, I am getting hooked on photography now too. I'm going back to WDW in October after a gap of 12years, and your photographs have only fueled my evolving passion for this medium even more. Cheers for that :)
Justin Miller20-Sep-2017 15:37
Thank you John for your kind words. We are all safe in my town - just superficial damage - most houses and businesses are fine, though some lost power around here...lots of trees down all over, branches everywhere, but those are all unimportant compared to homes being compromised or lives lost. Those in the Keys who were badly impacted, those in Texas who suffered from Harvey, and all of those in the Caribbean greatly impacted by Irma and now Maria - those are where my prayers and best wishes are headed.
John Glines10-Sep-2017 08:57
Beautiful photos of Florida. I'm particularly fond of the gallery of birds. But today, I"m hoping you are well and safe.
Martha Garito 06-Aug-2017 20:48
Hi, I was at Lake Apopka and saw what I think is a grey-headed (purple) swamphen. The others in my group thought it was a juvenile gallanule but it seemed bigger and more upright. I would love to send a couple of photos to see what you think.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Guest 29-May-2016 07:30
My name is Tom Oden Ahlqvist, and I am a swedish author who writes fantasy novels, with a specialization towards old norse mythology. I made a video trailer to my newest novel Nifelhelsfärd (Journey to Nifelhel), and found some great photos for it through google search. One of them was the enthralling picture "Wolf moon", and after some research I believe I've found the creator of it, namely you.

I want to ask you if I can use that picture in my book project trailer on Here's the link to the project.
I would be happy to hear your answer via e-mail, you can reach me on

All the best,
Tom Oden
Michael Kuhlman Photography13-Apr-2016 01:55
Hi, Justin, Mikee Kuhlman, fellow photographer and nature-lover from South Florida here, wanting to get back to Green Cay. I don't know if you've already done this, but you've got quite a collection of beautiful images here, and you ought to upload many of them to Shutterstock! They're a microstock stock photography agency and their pay is among the highest. I just joined a couple weeks ago, have about 100 active images in my portfolio ready for paying download, am beginning to make small commissions ($.50 for 2 downloads so far), which will increase over time--I'm just getting started. I plan to have over 1,000 active images in there by the end of 2016. Many of your images of Disney-trademarked buildings would require a property release to use as stock, and the people would require model releases to use as stock, but the nature shots are fair game, free and clear! Here's my link:
George Stone 07-Jan-2016 01:53
How did you attach the DH1758 to the Sony 55-210 What kind of step up or down ring did you use. I have the Sony 18-200 and would like to attach the Olympus 1.7x converter to it. I can't find the right ring to use, if there is one. If you can fit the 1.7x to the 55-210 ,why not to the 18-200mm lens? It would be fromm55mm up to 62mm(18-200lens).
I really appreciate your help.Thanks
Justin Miller12-Nov-2015 21:24
Thank you both, Liz and Catherine. I found that site, and e-mailed my photos to them.
Catherine 11-Nov-2015 22:16
I'm "cruisingxpert". A couple of the regulars put together a great site and it was even a stickie at one time and then the "powers that be" said they couldn't even mention it. A lot of people were adding the site into their signature.
pacs22-May-2015 18:44
Super Galleries, great work.Thanks for sharing them.
cafe18-May-2015 09:37
good start :)
tresse15-May-2015 16:51
Vous avez un réel talent, continuez:)
Jackie 25-Feb-2015 17:18
Hi Justin,
I would like to include your beautiful photo of the Allure of the Seas staircase for a cruise ship photo gallery I'm working on - with your photo credit. Could you let me know if this is ok? Hope to hear from you today.
Petr Klapper 11-Apr-2013 10:14
Hi Justin,

have you tried the VCL-DH1758 Sony Nex 50/1.8 OSS (SEL50f18) ? Or even the 18-55 kit lens @ 55 ? Would it be possible take a few samples w/ and w/o if you have access to those lenses ? I was thinking about 55-210, but if it works well on SEL50F18, it just might be enough.

Thank you,
Achilles Moreaux 08-Apr-2013 18:25
Good afternoon,

I thought your photos fantastic, especially the animals. Came a doubt, I have a Sony NEX-6 and I'm loving it. yesterday I first used the 55-210mm lens, but I was not so pleased with the results. Have any tips for me? What is the secret of your photos? Use of a tripod? Any hint is welcome. Sorry to bother you.


Achilles Moreaux, Brazil
Jane Daniels 01-Jan-2013 23:11
Justin, would love to pose a question to you through email. I use a wide angle lens for real estate photography, interior shots; then they go into a Ken Burns effect slide show. Loved your article a pBase. Can you email me @ ?
Deena 05-Dec-2012 13:27
Loved your review, and the photos from your Nov. 2012. We were iffy about this cruise, but thanks to you - we will book it! Thanks so much!
Gerry Phillipson 07-Oct-2012 17:47
Hello, Justin, briefly:- I'm Gerry and I live SW France.Happily I fell on your comparison between Sony NEX 5 and 7. My photography interests are general, landscape and ornithology. I'm so impressed with you bird gallery. I wonder if you could find time for a longer exchange about the gear you use? I'm looking for a new camera, and several pros have recommended Sony NEX. I'd be grateful for more information, particularly about the lenses you've used for the closer shots of the birds, e.g. the kingfisher and osprey.
Many thanks in anticipation.
Ryan 05-Apr-2012 02:36
Hey Justin, just stumbled across those photos of what I assume is your Passat. Very nice looking car. I was wondering what brakes you had, are they just the stock calipers painted red, or do you have an aftermarket setup?
Marion 09-Nov-2011 18:23
Justin, Love your photography and you seem very knownledgeable...I've been taking photographs since I received me first Kodak 30+ years ago as a child and worked with a SLR back in the "film" days. I now have a Sony H9 but I am going to get a better camera because I am going to start doing senior pictures on the side. My issue now is which camera to buy? I've read a million reviews and am torn between Sony's SLT's or Canon T3i. I really like the faster fps on the Sony because I like taking action shots of my children's sports. Any suggestions?
janusz zaniewski 27-Oct-2011 16:19
Hi Justin
I like your style of photography expecially nature.Are you shooting jpeg or RAW?
Thank you Janusz
I need advice because im confused reading reviews. Which point n shoot pocket size camera with about 10x plus zoom, good image quality (low light) and good video quality would you recommend.
Further if you think i should rather go for a micro 4 thirds, which lenses would you advice to take for travel. Which would be easier to use, the pen2, panasonic gf2 or nex3/5
im not into raw and price not a major issue. Not sure which way to go, so kindly help me make a choice either way or recommend 1 of each
hugo 16-Sep-2011 02:04
I enjoyed viewing your pix. I also received a camera D3000 for Christmas from my DW. I think its a message to get busy shooting my own pix.
Jose 23-Jul-2011 14:43
Great pictures!!!! I received a Nikon D5000 for Christmas and although I have no clue what I'm doing, I hope to be able to take pictures as stunning as yours. I am headed to Walt Disney World in August 2011 and I hope to take some great shots - especially night ones. Great gallery!

Jose Serrano
Norwalk, CT.
q 28-Apr-2011 15:07
i love it
Tommy Trinh 13-Apr-2011 17:12
Hi Justin,

I believe you made these shot using the Chinon 135MM F2.8 on a NEX-3 Sony. Really nice pix.

I just bought a NEX-3 recently, can you advise the lense mounting/adaptor model to mount the Chinon lense on NEX-3?

Tommy T.
Houston, TX
Wendy 17-Jan-2011 04:37
Enjoyed your pictures of the Emerald Princess. We are headed there in November. I am a very novice user of a Nikon D50 and am envious of your beautiful photos. I only wish I was to get some like that on my trip. Thanks for sharing.
Jose 12-Aug-2010 22:25
Hi Justin, I'm a reporter working on an article on the differences between Nikon and Canon cameras today and I'd love to interview you. Btw, I'm a former reporter for Wired and a couple of other tech mags.

I read your advice on DP and think your voice would be a good addition to the article.

If you're interested, please email me at


J. Fermoso
John Shaffer 03-Mar-2010 01:48
Wonderful pics. I shoot sports photos, mostly football. I'm just starting to shoot landscapes, your photos make me want to grab my camera and start clicking!!!! You should come up north and shoot some snow pics, you'd love the contrast and shadows, not to mention the ice!!!
Thanks again, John
Valleri 17-Jan-2010 22:08
Hi Justin,
Enjoyed viewing your pictures. I especially loved the roseate spoonbill. Nice meeting you today at Wakodahatchee. Amazing place, isn't it.
Canadian Gal 10-Dec-2009 04:05
Hey, it's been really neat looking at your photo gallery - I followed your link from because some family and I are going to be aboard the Noordam after Christmas, it was great to see so many photos of the ship. That lead to browsing your other galleries as well; Florida serves as a beautiful location for your shots. Is photography your career or passion or both?
Elliott Marshall, A.S., RPR 24-Nov-2009 18:37
Justin, Hello. My name is Elliott Marshall, A.S., RPR, and I am endeavoring to open a
co-op gallery in the Miami design district. If you are interested in becoming part of the production/photographer team, please contact me at 305-937-9009. Your work is of very high caliber and will be sought after. Best wishes and good luck.
Guest 21-Nov-2009 04:32
Thanks for your input on the Tam 1024! Thats great news about the distortion. Now just another buying decision...
Justin Miller20-Nov-2009 04:22
Kim - Much thanks. I was young on that ship - though pleased to learn that at sea in the 80s, age didn't matter much...I had a very good time!
Sandy - thank you...much appreciation.
Guest - Thank you re the Tamron 1024. I have been very pleased with the lens overall and the IQ. It's a solid, well built lens and has very good distortion control and flare control...I have not performed distortion correction on any of the shots. With any UWA lens, I learned how important angle of the shot is - shoot straight on, and the Tamron will be basically distortion-free - even my 18-250 is massively distorted at the 18mm end, but the Tamron at 10mm has virtually none except the extreme corners (typical of rectilinear UWA lenses). If you change the angle slightly, the perspective goes all wild - which sometimes is a desireable thing, as long as you know when you are doing it!
Guest 20-Nov-2009 04:09
Your images are superb. Your photos with the Tam 10-24 are incredible! Just purchased the A700 and was looking at the Tamron. Are you as pleased overall with the lens as the IQ? Are the architectural shots at Disney corrected for distortion?
sandy 14-Nov-2009 15:10
Justin Miller, your work is superb.. what a delight to see even the backgrounds look so gorgeous.. thank you. sandy rubin
Kim Sisto Robinson 19-Apr-2009 20:52
~I was working on the Mardi Gra back then as a black jack dealer! You may have been at my table, Justin. Anyhow, I am looking for ol' employees and stumbled upon your article about the Mardi Gra...I have LOTS of memories. I am still married to the Brit I met on the ship!!!!!!! Keep Well! PS. oh, you were not at my table, cuz I see you were only 14~!!
Justin Miller16-Feb-2009 06:38
Thank you Laura. I've sent you an e-mail with more detailed response.

And thank you Diane, on the Noordam pics. I hope I too get back soon, and the Noordam is high on my list to cruise again as it was a beautiful ship.
Guest 29-Jan-2009 03:18
Your pics. were superb! Your travels to southern carb. are ones I've taken many times by ship and by camera! It is always a great treat to see anothers "birdseye view"! Will again visit this part of the world 11/11/09 for the 20 day Noordam cruise. Have saved your pics. to my favorites to add to my own in savoring the moment when I"LL BE BACK! Thanks for sharing, Diane
Laura 20-Jan-2009 17:19
Justin, I love your shots. Just sat here and watched all 834 Sony A300 photos! I'm a beginner, with a perfectionist's heart, trying to decide on my first DSLR. I'm between this one and the Nikon D60. Can you give any words of advice? I have no prior experience nor lenses to deal with, so I'm a fresh palette wanting to take these type of shots in my future, but also on a fairly limited budget. Both feel great in my hands and seem to be fairly equal in most things. Can you help me with any differences, limitations, etc? Why did you choose the Sony?
Thank you so much! Laura
Justin Miller28-Dec-2008 06:25
Joseph - thank you for the kind words. I've enjoyed the daytime slow shutter work, and added some more this's something different and fun to shoot.
Justin Miller28-Dec-2008 06:24
Richard...I sent you an e-mail reply a while back...just wanted to make sure you got it. Thanks again for the compliments on the photos.
Justin Miller28-Dec-2008 06:23
Tiff, I'd love to add Disneyland - haven't been there since 1993, and I wasn't really as into photography when I used to live in L.A. Someday, I'll get back there.
Justin Miller28-Dec-2008 06:22
June, thanks for the additional info on the fate of the old vessels, and Peter Knego's reports.
orchjoe 05-Sep-2008 15:29
Way cool slow shutter pics at WDW. I really enjoyed looking at your galleries.
Tiff 13-Aug-2008 20:31
fabulous pics, but u need 2 add Disneyland pics!
June Toner 23-Jun-2008 00:42
I was sad to hear the fate of the Empress of Canada (Mardi Gras, Appollon), on which I had the privilege of sailing in July '71. She looked so majestic on her way to Alang, India to be broken up. $millions had been spent on a prior refit, but unfortunately her owners ROC hit on hard times, sealing her fate.

I have great memories of the journey which took my mother and I from Montreal to Liverpool - final destination Scotland where I've been ever since. And although I was miffed at the displacement at such a crucial age... the journey made it all worthwhile.

Unfortunately other ships have met the same fate... the Carinthia (Fair Princess, China Sea Discovery), one of the Cunard line, was only scrapped 2 years ago. I'd had 2 trips on this one as a child, and had I known these ships were still around in the '90s, I'd have made a point of cruising on them.

Peter Knego has written a report called From Scrapyard to Backyard based on his trip to Alang where he rescued several artefacts from some of these liners... it's worth a google.
Justin Miller07-Jun-2008 03:42
Thank you Don. Appreciate the kind word. Have you joined tmip? If so, I'll see you on the boards!
Don Tavener 01-Jun-2008 03:43
Hi Justin,
Just enjoyed some of your photos!
Great Disney world stuff!
I followed a link from the magic in pixels.
Justin Miller14-May-2008 20:24
Thank you Andrea. Replied to your e-mail.
Andrea Barrientos 02-May-2008 03:23
I enjoyed your gallery. I am putting together a book on old san juan, con you advice as the permission for use of your photographs. Thanks.
Justin Miller21-Nov-2007 20:38
Thanks Tom! E-mail sent.
Guest 21-Nov-2007 13:09
Hi Justin,

I can't believe you were so quick with posting your review and pictures from our Zuiderdam cruise! After I got home, all I wanted to do was unpack and try to get back to reality. I hope to do a little more "organizing" of my thoughts and images over the holiday weekend.

I would like to ask a favor regarding your photos. Would you mind Emailing me at

Thanks... and GREAT pictures, BTW! :)

Tom (TnTom from Cruise Critic)
Guest 21-Nov-2007 13:09
Hi Justin,

I can't believe you were so quick with posting your review and pictures from our Zuiderdam cruise! After I got home, all I wanted to do was unpack and try to get back to reality. I hope to do a little more "organizing" of my thoughts and images over the holiday weekend.

I would like to ask a favor regarding your photos. Would you mind Emailing me at

Thanks... and GREAT pictures, BTW! :)

Tom (TnTom from Cruise Critic)
Justin Miller19-Nov-2007 23:41
Herrlucifer, Very nice work. Glad to hear you are enjoying the camera as much as I am!
Justin Miller19-Nov-2007 23:41
John Glines...hopefully you got my e-mail. Your shots don't look too bad, but alot of the key is getting used to the camera and the optimal settings. I was lucky enough to have had some experience shooting with the predecessor, the I had already learned some of the settings and techniques that work best with this type of camera. There was definately a learning curve coming from my last camera, which was not a superzoom.
HerrLucifer 18-Oct-2007 19:04
Justin. You have just a great collection with your DSC-h5 here. You encouraged me to buy this camera, and well, it is great:
Take a look at my gallery:
John Glines05-Sep-2007 06:40
Sorry, forgot to give you the Sony samples gallery address. It's
John Glines05-Sep-2007 06:39
Justin: On the strength of the quality photos you've posted on PBase, photos with a knife edge sharpness, and photos that other people using a Sony H5 have posted, I bought one, but I've been very disappointed. What settings do you usually work with? How often do you adjust the OEV? Do you put the peaking on high, low, or off? I found that most of my photos from my last trip to Cambodia, for which I bought the camera, were way too colorful. The color setting was on Normal. But being back in Bangkok, I put the setting on Natural, & the color is a lot more accurate. I've put up a gallery with sample photos. If you get a chance, I'd really appreciate it if you could take a look at it & give me some feedback. The only way I got any sharpness was by usuing PhotoElements, usually using the Sharp Mask at 20/60/0. Regards.
Justin Miller19-Jun-2007 20:12
Thank you Peter. I add to the galleries fairly regularly - just threw in some a few days before you visited. I'll be adding a few more Disney pics this week which I just returned from vacation to. Please visit anytime - and I'll keep an eye for your galleries once you get them up and running.
Guest 15-Jun-2007 10:36
Hope you update soon as I'll be anxiously awaiting.
John Glines26-May-2007 11:56
Many, many thanks, Justin. Now all I have to do is find an H5 somewhere here in Bangkok. So far I've only found H9s.
Justin Miller25-May-2007 19:30
Thanks John. I did check out the H9 - I was possibly interested in an upgrade, as I like some of the spec. I must admit that I have decided to hold off on the upgrade for now - there are two issues that concern me about the H9: It uses a higher JPEG compression than the H5, and cannot be user-selected (no Fine and Standard modes) - with 3 bits per pixel for the H9 versus 8 bits per pixel for the H5. File; and there appears to be a random, glitchy noise reduction smearing that can occur sometimes in areas of mostly uniform color. These issues do not exist with the H5, so I'm sticking with has been a marvelous camera!
Justin Miller11-Apr-2007 18:15
Thank you Dean and tk.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 13:36
Nothing about great shots here.
Guest 21-Feb-2007 18:44
Nice Gallery
Justin Miller17-Dec-2006 20:26
Why thank you! :)
Justin Miller23-Aug-2006 19:44
Thank you kindly, Dan. The camera is certainly lots of fun.
Guest 02-Aug-2006 21:33
Great Photos enjoyed looking, Seems you are have a great time with that H5. Keep shooting.
Justin Miller16-Jul-2006 04:47
Thank you Daniel. I too had my sensor fail on my 717, and SOny did a great job repairing and returning the camera in just 8 days. I still have and use my 717...I feel the two cameras actually complement eachother very well - the 717 is still excellent for landscapes, night shooting and slow shutter work, and of course focus in low light is perfect. The H5 adds excellent high ISO capability, and that huge optical zoom which is alot of fun!
Guest 15-Jul-2006 23:32
Justin, Thanks a million for your wonderful got me so excited with your Sony H5.
I have been wanting to upgrade my F717 that I love...the CCD let go last week and Sony will repair no charge. These photos of 72mm zooms did it for me
I loved all your photos and your techniques

Daniel Dumont